How to install saints row 4 mods
How to install saints row 4 mods

how to install saints row 4 mods how to install saints row 4 mods

More info on how to do this properly in this post. You can re-customize it after that, but the new key combos won't work unless you first switch to the default setup. Once you've got the files in the right spot and have loaded the game, you'll need to go to the option screen and reset your key-mapping to the defaults. rar, and here's a link to the forum with info on the mod ) is easy to follow, and includes all the new command key combos. Installation : There are a few important steps, and several files that need to go in separate places, but the readme.txt that comes in the download ( this is a direct link to the. I wouldn't use this mod if you're legit playing through the game, but if you've finished the game or just want to mess around for a bit, this mod is good for a few hours of chaotic, wish-fulfilling gameplay. Unskippable intros - Saints Row Mods - last accessed on SteamDB - last accessed on 10.0 10. Sandbox+ v1.2 is pretty much what it says it is: a sandbox, something to play around in, putting scores of cheats at your fingertips and letting you muck around with whatever you want, whenever you want it.

How to install saints row 4 mods